MOTHER NATURE cannot be avoided but contingency plans and safety protocols could prevent catastrophe during Thunderstorm.

At Oracle Mystiques, it’s all about the Safety: exploring the environment, understanding the situation, advancement in Lighting Prediction & Warning System. We design, customise and cater according to our clients’ requirement with cutting-edge technology.

Over 20 years of experience in Lightning Detection and Prediction Systems, we at Oracle Mystiques have the expertise and the latest equipment to give our clients’ the advantage in detecting the approaching electric storm. When the system determines a hazardous condition, it will gives 10-15 minutes warning in advance before the electric storm.

The totally integrated lightning prediction systems are designed to predict lightning in your local area BEFORE lightning strikes, allowing decisions regarding dangerous situations to be proactive, not reactive. Our goal is to increase productivity and maximize safety by providing our customers with critical, timely lightning warning information.

The system provides an “All Clear” when the electric storm activity in the monitored area has receded to safe levels.

This system can be networked and displayed with computer software. Warnings can be issued via computer network, mobile phone and remote location anywhere in the world or at the Headquarters.

OMIRACS is a software based implementation of a Remote support solution for Mirroring & Access System. Its dashboard view allows for an overview and control of Multiple Equipment/Computers from a Single Terminal.

System can be configured to work in an pure LAN only environment without access to the internet.

OMIRACS can be Customized to Fit for the needs of a Specific Organisation for its Business & Development with End-to-End Encryption..

We help clients with this type of IT Security solutions:

  • Monitor & Start managing multiple Monitor/Networks from a single Terminal/Location.
  • High performance with Robust security.
  • Supports Windows, Linux, Mac and Android devices*.
  • Easy User File management.
  • Fast and easy to access. Better integrated on the cloud.
  • Able to generate detailed activity reports sorted by department.
  • Records user activities in Real Time.
  • Captures screenshots automatically at regular intervals.
  • Simple and intuitive dashboard to monitor overall activities.
  • PSA(Professional Services Automation) ticketing & ITSM integration.

Additional features include Smartcard Access, 2-Level Access Control for end users, User Logs, Equipment Downtime and Equipment Tower Light Indication.

Suitable for use in Banking, Government, Healthcare, Retail, Education, as well as Industries such as Manufacturing, Energy & Utilities, Construction, Semiconductor, Oil & Gas, Power Generation, IT & Software and so on.

AARC-EVAC is a wireless based evacuation, lockdown &amp multi-zoned SOS message system. Digital radio wireless based ALERT PANELS are easily and cost effectively deployed across any site.

The simple press of a button causes the transmission of a digitally encoded radio signal assigned to that button. The system employs a variety wireless receiver based units so as to provide for maximum flexibility for each application.

The receiver/message players fall into two main groups, there are units that feed the Alert Sirens or SOS Assistance messages into an existing PA (Public Address) system and there are Standalone Units that include a Receiver, MP3 based Audio Siren & Message Player.

Audio Amplifier & Speakers. All Standalone Units also have their own UPS Battery Backup System in case of mains power failure. In addition the range also includes Visual Alert Beacon Units to assist the hearing impaired and persons wearing hearing protection devices. Wireless Repeater Units are also available to extend the radio range of a system when required.

Provides “EVACUATION ALERT” or improved access to “EVACUATION ALERT” triggering

Provides “LOCK DOWN” messages to secure buildings against external threats

Improved medical incident response times

Provides additional security & Peace of Mind for ‘front of house’ reception staff

Rapid access to assistance when required

Improved First Aid response time to accidents & injuries

AARC-EVAC is a total system. There is a full complement of products in each stream that all work together with in-house PA System to provide the best possible Alert System for any situation.

We are proud that the Lyncole XIT® Grounding System has been manufactured since the early 1970s. The system is warranted for 30 years and is the standard that competitors strive to equal. Along with an expected 50 years serviceable life, the systems provide unmatched performance and stable resistance through the changing seasons. Read the following information to see all the details of these systems that others imitate but cannot duplicate.

Our science based engineering is who we are and it results in the high performance system products and services that we deliver. A pioneer in the facility protection industry, we have the largest staff of full time grounding engineers in the industry. We “engineer” solutions for your site specific grounding needs. Read how we continually deliver superior customer experiences through our innovative grounding products, engineering, design, and installation and education services below.

“Lyncole, where Grounding Bonds with Science!”